Friday, February 24, 2017

Technology the New Era........In the Classroom

Why should technology be in the classroom? Let me show you this video and I think it can be self explanatory!

How else would have we seen this talented group of ladies sing these oldies? With the use of technology we are so able to do more in the classroom and find talents that some might not have even known they had. 

Technology Connects with Students

Technology occupies an important place within students’ lives. When they are not in school, just about everything that they do is connected in some way to technology. By integrating technology into the classroom, teachers are changing the way they used to teach (lectures six hours a day) and providing students with the tools that will take them into the 21st century. (Janelle Cox)

Technology changes by the minute, and as educators we need to keep up with the times in order to best prepare our students for this ever-changing world that we live in. While the above video shows us just how integrating technology into the classroom has its benefits, it’s important to note that traditional learning processes are just as essential. As educators and parents it is essential to take time to learn about each element of ed-tech that you will incorporate into your classroom. When you do, you will find that technology can have a profound impact on your students learning.

We need to let students connect with technology because they say it makes learning more fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video- as shown above by the quartet, or when using a tablet.

Future for the Students

Studies have showed that 9 out of 10 students indicated that using technology in the classroom would help prepare them for the digital future. These 21st-century skills are essential in order to be successful in this day and age. Jobs that may not have had a digital component in the past, may have one now. Education isn’t just about memorizing facts and vocabulary words, it’s about solving complex problems and being to collaborate with others in the workforce. 

 Today paper memos are as antiquated as a stagecoach, presentations are flashy and digital, and workers move around the workplace with cell phones attached to their hips. The profusion of technology has revolutionized the 21st-century workforce, changing the way things are done and the skills that people need to become productive and successful workers.

 "Individuals preparing to enter the workforce today should focus on learning to effectively use technology, as this proves both useful and marketable, suggests the US Department of Labor executive summary, Futurework – Trends and Challenges for the 21st Century.” (Erin Schreiner)

The New ABC's of our lives!! Although we do have to stay balanced!!


Cox, J. (n.d.). Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved February 24, 2017, from

Schriener, E. (2013, March 02). How Technology Has Changed in the 21st-Century Workplace. Retrieved February 24, 2017, from

Friday, February 10, 2017

Cellphones in the Classroom? Should we change our children

Technology in the Classroom- Cell Phones, Should they be Allowed?

This week in my blog I want to discuss technology in the classroom most notable the use of cell phones. I actually just returned from a visit at Mason City Newman Catholic, where I coach and drive bus and in the future hopefully take my teaching experiences on. In the classroom of Miss Nicholas an English teacher. Their Friday start off with lip-sync challenges and I just happened to stop in the room a couple weeks ago to catch a couple performances. Well today, I was the star of the show....Well maybe not the star but I was challenged by Miss Nicholas.

Just how does technology come into play? With technology in the classroom, she had the music cued up on the computer using the internet and of course what person wouldn't have their phones out snap-chatting a short clip or recording the whole performance.  Although the use of cell phones are usually not permitted there are certain times in which it can be appropriate.  Today's lip-sync challenge was one of them. Before the other teacher and myself performed there were two students who went first. The students mother had been practicing at home and had emailed Nichols about recording it so she could see her son do his lip-sync. So Miss Nichols recorded the performance with the use of her cell phone for his mother.

Other Schools Allow Cell Phone Usage

A research done by the Pew Research Center had this to say in an article written by John Higgins, "Although schools have traditionally banned or limited cell phones in the classroom, 73% of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers said their students use phones in the classroom or to complete assignments." (John Higgins. USA Today. Aug. 2013) Is this right that we are allowing this in the classroom? 

My Thoughts

I feel it is absolutely alright that we have the use of cell phones in the classroom! They are smart phones for a reason. To help make our lives easier, communication lines more open and to have information at our finger tips. Cell phones usage became more relaxed after the 9/11 terrorism. Why? Because there became the issues of security and red alerts such as school shootings. Many school systems are lifting bands on cell phones and implementing them into their curriculum's. 

Just how are phones being used? Can you imagine being able to pop your ear buds in and listen to music? Well I remember back in my day I had a teacher play music when we were working on individual work, so how is this any worse. To be honest many teachers are bucking the trend and studies. Peter Bergman wrote in the Harvard Business Review blog, " That multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%, increase stress and cause a 10 point fall in IQ." (Robert Earl. May 2012.) Let me say although those are numbers, I disagree. I was student observing this week and saw a kid working on an accounting assignment and had his ear buds in playing music and working on his assignment. Although I did see some distraction of typing in a song to play. I saw this student working diligently on his assignment. 

."Teachers are starting to take advantage of the opportunities of cellphones in the classroom," said George Fornero, superintendent of Township High School District 113, located outside Chicago, whose school system has begun allowing its students use cellphones." (Higgins) 

A parent gave her thoughts on this topic and really I find it hard to argue, ""As a parent, I can see parents pushing for it when you think of the shootings that happen," she said. "However, with youth, (having a phone) is a very natural part of their ecosystem. It doesn't make sense to close that opportunity for them when they go to school."(Higgins)

She said parents and teachers are realizing educational value of mobile phones, as new features have made these devices relevant to education. "Most people are now coming to school with a computer in their pocket," Domenech said.(Higgins) Why would we want to change our kids to be who they aren't, by taking away the technology given to them by us. 


Don't get me wrong I understand there does need to be a place and a time that the students need to respect the rules of no cell phone usage and that they need to be put away.  Hmmmm, lets think why they are bad. They are distractions to us. How often do you feel you need to look at your phone. I know I can be bad and look at my often. This video found on YouTube......I could see this happening. I know I have done some of the same, looking at my phone when I shouldn't be. 

I am not sure there really can be a right way or a wrong way. The overall answer is that we need a balance of usage and no usage of cell phones within our school environment. I know I see many of the teachers on theirs and even a principal walking around with his laptop in his hands. There is no difference. Technology is with us today and as the one parent said, "Why change the ecosystem of what our children live today."


Higgins, J. (2013, August 07). More schools use cellphones as learning tools. Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

 P. (Ed.). (2014, May 15). No Cell Phones in Class. Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

Earl, R. (2012, May 18). Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom? Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Physical Education _Why is it being cut?

Let's Get Physical - Why Our Children Need Exercise!

Thoughts and Reasoning

Our children need exercise in school today as they need the core classes of reading, writing, and  mathematics. How can we teach our kids that physical inactivity is the second greatest killer in the United States behind tobacco use? Sure we can talk about it in the classroom. But as a kid I enjoyed going outside for recess and having gym class. Now our school systems are cutting back on even having recess. Just how does that teach our kids that you need some fun, play and exercise to help you brain? Our children are hurting because of it! As a young child in kindergarten I remember getting a recess, snack time and nap time with an every other day either activity play or gym and music. This was in a half days time. In an article by Stephanie Pappas in Live Science, a student talked about the difference one year change. Let me set the stage for you, Nadav a boy in first grade who is six years old started coming home from school with discipline warnings from his teachers. This perplexed his parents as it was the same teacher he had for kindergarten. So the parents sat Nadav down and talked to him. Gilboa, his mother is a family medicine doctor who also was a consultant on It is kind of scary how this child answered, Why the change in behavior from a year ago? He said, "In kindergarten we had recess twice a day and we went to gym twice a week. Now we have gym class once every six days and recess split with lunch for 15 minutes a day." (Pappas.Stephanie. Live Science.2011.)  So Nadav is explained that he is getting bored and with the less exercise his mind is wondering along with his body needing to move also. How would your body adjust to this change? I can see his point and why our kids need exercise and recess in their everyday lives especially in school. I know if I am in the office or typing a paper for school I need a break and time to move about. I get uptight and restless. So, why would we expect our 6 year old children to not do the same. Attentions span in a child is 3 to 5 minutes times the child's age, so a six year old is about 15 minutes minimum. If I am an elementary teacher of first graders and have eight hours in a day to teach. I have my core subjects I need to teach, reading, writing, math. How can I not get that all in with eight hours along with a recess, fun time activity and gym or music time? It says our students attention span is only going to be 15-18 minutes long anyways!

Mind Power

Our youth of today are having their minds over worked with all school and no play. The kids need to be able to have imagination time to let their brains move freely just as their heart and bodies need to be able to run. What a great quote I read from another person, "The longer children and teens are forced to sit and grow roots in their chairs, the harder it will be for them to bloom." (Spark. 2012)
Are kids aren't underacheivers nor are the not smart it is because the system is working against them. The Center for Disease and Control states this about physical activity, "physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic behavior, all of which are important components of improved academic performance. These include enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior.” (Spark) so why would we cut physical activity down to almost nothing in our schools? It was shown in the example I gave above about Nadav, that cutting his physical activity lead him to behavioral problems. As a future educator, I feel we need to put the enjoyment back in our school systems and let kids be kids. Let them play some, have recess, don't cut their physical education or music classes. Let's help grow their minds instead of rooting them to a chair in a classroom. 


Patterson. Joan. (July 14, 2013). Las Vegas Review-Journal: Many Schools Cutting Back on Physical Education. Retrieved January 18, 2017 from 

Papas, Stephanie. (August 14, 2011). Live Science: As Schools Cut Recess, Kids' Learning Will Suffer, Experts Say. Retrieved January 25, 2017 from 

Spark. (April, 19, 2012). How Does Physical Activity Affect Academic Performance? Retrieved January 25, 2017 from